(Paysages – études) V
Miniature for flute, violoncello and piano (ca.6′) (2011)
Commissioned by and dedicated to Aton’ & Armide (Sara Picavet, Chrissy Dimitriou and Benjamin Glorieux)
(Aton’ & Armide performing (Paysages – études) V during What’s Next 2011)
In autumn 2010, I wrote (Paysages – études) I for violoncello and piano as a sort of sketchbook for my music theatre piece Les aveugles, after Maurice Maeterlinck (2010/2011). I developed more little sketches and snatches, musical gestures which were developed further in the Maeterlinck chamber opera, but which could also be elaborated and/or combined in a different way.
(Paysages-études) V for flute, cello and piano, is a short composition which starts scherzando, and slowly turns into a different atmosphere. Some ideas of Les aveugles are clearly present, others are combined with new fragments and sections.
First performance:
01-10-2011, Festival What’s Next Brussels (Flagey), Sara Picavet (Piano) Chrissy Dimitriou (flute) and Benjamin Glorieux (Violoncello)
Score available on request